Getting started

What is vue-dock-menu

vue-dock-menu is a smart menubar that comes with docking super powers. The menubar can be easily docked to any four sides of the screen by drag and drop. The menubar also transforms into a nice sidebar while docking to the left or right side of the screen.


  • 🤏 Dock the Menubar by dragging and dropping to the edges of the screen.
  • 👍 Support for nested menus up to any levels.
  • 👓 The Smart menu system enables an intuitive navigation.
  • 👆  Supported on Touch devices.
  • ⌨ Keyboard Accessible.
  • 🎨 Supports embedding icons on each menu item.
  • ⚡ Zero dependencies.
  • 💪 Built with Typescript.
  • 🧰 Intuitive API with a data driven behavior.
  • 🌠 Built with the all new Vue 3.


yarn add vue-dock-menu


npm install vue-dock-menu
